September 27, 2006


I love zoos. Greg and I went to the Nashville Zoo yesterday. And even though there's not a lot of animals there compared to like the Atlanta zoo, it's fun just the same. The weather was perfect and it almost felt like home again because we were waling through the woods where most of the animal exhibits are. Greg wound up taking over 100 pictures! The following is just a small sampling.

September 18, 2006

Happiness -n- stuff

My husband is finally home and safe. I couldn't be happier about it. The past few days have been GREAT! Saturday was his birthday and we went out to the Japanese Steak house. It was really nice. I've missed him so much. I just want to give him the world.

September 13, 2006

Quick post

Just a quick post. I'm going to be a busy bee today because Greg comes home Tomorrow night (or early in the AM the next day,but it'll be like tomorrow since I won't sleep.)

September 12, 2006

Patriot Day

Sept. 11 is now Patriot day. We all know why, so I won't get into that. Instead, I've decided to repost my essay on Patriotism. I say repost because it was posted on my main website for a while and also on my old myspace blog.


The simple word “patriotism” means so many different things to so many different people. To some, it means that you put your full trust in the system (in this case, the government) and you would never doubt its decisions or actions. Others think that patriotism simply means belief in the rights that the constitution gives us – speech, press, religion, etc… - and even if they speak out against the government they are still, at heart, true patriots. For others, it is much more simple than that. These are the people who believe that patriotism is the basic love and pride for our country, be it for whatever reason. Then there is another group of people who call themselves patriots, but are they really? These are the people who will fly the American Flag because it is fashionable, yet they will allow the weather to destroy one of the greatest symbols of patriotism. Are these people patriot, or are they just playing with trends?

This is an opinion piece on a subject where I am not even sure of my own opinion. I consider myself patriotic. However, some people would argue with me. I do not fly the American Flag. In fact, there is not even a thought of one in my house (unless it is in a book somewhere). So which group of patriots to I think I belong to? I would say a little of group two and group three. I fully back those certain “unalienable rights” that are given to me and my fellow Americans. I respect my freedoms and the freedoms of others, even if I do not agree with them.

I also love my country for other reasons than those rights that the Constitution gives to me. This is one of the richest countries in the world, not only in wealth, but also in culture. This is the best country in the world because it is the world. The United States is a mini world. We have the rich in the form of individuals. We have development in urban areas. We have third world microcosms in our back yard. Greed, corruption, free enterprise, bureaucrats – while seemingly evil at points is necessary, but I digress. This is not about the “necessary evils” of society. This is about the meaning of patriotism and love for one’s country.

Yes, I enjoy my freedoms. But I also enjoy power. While, I myself, do not have much power, the country that I live in does. Has this power been corrupted? What power hasn’t been? But it still feels good. We are the country with the bombs. We are the world’s unofficial police. Some might say that we are also the world’s bully. Stealing the lunch money from those countries that are struggling to grow. However, the world is truly an uncivilized place. To use the tired clichés, it’s a dog eat dog world, eat or be eaten. I would rather be the big dog, than to be the one cowering in the shadows, fearing that each and every day my government may collapse. The United States is currently too strong and too stubborn to be the one to be bullied. And I find this securing.

While writing this, my husband brought up another good point. He asked if I had become a bigger patriot since he joined the military. After thinking for a while, I came to the conclusion that no, this action did not really cause me to become a bigger patriot. However, it certainly changed my viewpoints regarding patriotism. I do not love my country for what it does, invading and eating smaller governments. I love my country for what it is: a modern day Rome, superpower of the Earth, the elite example of a republic (or the closest thing to it at the moment). I have learned that I can support this country and our soldiers for what they are, however I do not have to support what they do. It seems an odd conflict of emotions, but it works in my heart.

So why do I not fly the American Flag above my home? Why is my car not covered in magnetic yellow ribbons that say “Support Our Troops?” That is not the type of patriot I am. I am the type of patriot who will look up at the Stars and Stripes at sunset and find it a beautiful and moving site. I am the type of patriot who will be there for my husband when he returns home from his tour in Iraq. I am the type of patriot who will show my appreciation for other soldiers with my pride and tears when I see them on the street. I am a Patriot of the United States.

-- April Nicole Loebick

3 Days until Greg Come Home

September 10, 2006

The countdown Begins

Okay, so the count down has been going on for a while now. However, It's now down to the last 5 days. My husband is coming in very early in the morning. I just hope I still look nice and radiant for him to come home to - and still be suffering from lack of sleep. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll be too excited to be tired anyway.

5 Days until Greggy comes home.

September 07, 2006

update on the website update

Okay, figured what was up with my website. It was a illing problem due to the hosting being on a credit card that expired - all taken care of now. So Http:// should be back up and running soon and my profile pictures should come back.

8 More days until Greggy comes home!

September 06, 2006

I spent last night and this morning updating my website. So it's all nice and updated. However, the site is down and I do not know why. I hpe to have it up agian soon as possible. Until then, here's the link incase it comes up on it's own:

On another note, my Husband is due home the 15th or so. Hopefully it's the 15 or earlier. Greg's Birthday is the 16th and I want him to be home by then.

September 03, 2006

Almost Time

It's almost time for my husband to come home. He's supposed to be on a plane 6 days from now. It is almost a surreal feeling. I mean, I'm excited but it just doesn't seem like it is really happening. He's been gone for so long.

I've been doing lots of things to keep my mind occupied these last few days. I'm doing lots of stuff "Greggy coming home" oriented - what exactly, I can't say. He reads this sometimes and I don't want to give away the surprises. Also work helps the time go by. I'm only working a couple days a week, but it's good for now.

My other time taker upper is my GameCube. I'm playing Mario Party 6 and 7 until the controllers wear out! I may actually be able to beat my husband at it when he gets home because I've been practicing so much!