June 26, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Only 10 more days left until we're outta Kentucky!


June 11, 2007


Waffles has a new post on her blog. She hasn't been feeling to well, so she hasn't posted a lot recently, but I hope that she will be posting more in the future.

Waffle's Blog

June 09, 2007

We have a date and Flowers!

Greg's Last day of the Army will be July 8th. This is an exciting and scary time, but I know everything will turn out good. The next few weeks are going ot be hectic as hell, but I'm sure that'll make the time go by quicker. And soon, we'll be living with Greg's parents again. Almost seems like a step backwards, but it'll only be temporary until we have enough money saved up to be able to buy a house with ease. (yeay for severance pay!)

On another note I'm posted some pictures on my flickr page. They are of my colorful flowerbed.

This is one of my favorites:

June 06, 2007

Time is drawing near...

My husband is basicly on his last step to getting out of the military. The ending of this chapter of our lives is most bittersweet. One the one hand, I'm glad he's getting out and that we're leaving this life style. We're going to be moving closer to home, which is good because we'll be able to see our family a lot more. We won't have to worry about annoyingly close neighbors now. Oh, and there's that whole, we don't have to worry about him getting deployed any more - that's always a great big plus.

However, along with getting out of the military are the uncertainies of life. Being a soldier is a secure job - you know it'll be there tomorrow (even if you're not). Also, during the transition phase, we'll more than likely be living with his parents. luckily, their house is nice and big, but we'll still be moving an entire house and trying to fit it in a single bedroom. So most of our stuff is going in to storage for a while. I think that thing that has me worried the most is the financial situation that we'll be going in to. That is the most uncertain part about this whole thing. We're going to be relying on things like unemployment (which he's going to get after getting out to help cushion the blow) and then, whatever jobs I can find.

It is just scary. I actually woke up at 5:30am this morning and because I was worrying about this so much, I could not go back to sleep. It is actually making me a little queasy to think about what a big change this is all going to be. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is all going to be for the better.