August 19, 2006

A Working Woman

So I did it. I went out and got a Legitimate job. Temporary of course. I got a part-time job at Gamestop in Hopkinsville. I'm a Working girl. Woot! I went today and had my interview with the manager (2nd interview, first one was with the asst. manager) and he immediately hired me after the interview was over. Yes, I'm excited. This will give Greg and me that little extra boost in money that will cover everything that we are wanting to do and buy when he gets home, and hopefully get to save more as well - think christmas.

1 comment:

Mz M said...

Congrats girl. This will benefit i more ways than one, as we all should prosper(hinting on your inside info on games and such). Still, I know you will enjoy a good reason to get out of the house. Unlike those of us who tend to lose money when we leave or homes(shopping) you will gain. Well, unless you spend your paychecks buying games. LOL. Plus you are at a mall more????

Either way, congrats!