September 03, 2006

Almost Time

It's almost time for my husband to come home. He's supposed to be on a plane 6 days from now. It is almost a surreal feeling. I mean, I'm excited but it just doesn't seem like it is really happening. He's been gone for so long.

I've been doing lots of things to keep my mind occupied these last few days. I'm doing lots of stuff "Greggy coming home" oriented - what exactly, I can't say. He reads this sometimes and I don't want to give away the surprises. Also work helps the time go by. I'm only working a couple days a week, but it's good for now.

My other time taker upper is my GameCube. I'm playing Mario Party 6 and 7 until the controllers wear out! I may actually be able to beat my husband at it when he gets home because I've been practicing so much!

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