June 02, 2006

The Blogging Concept, Part Deux

I was a bit harsh with my last post, maybe even a bit hypocritical. This idea of blogging has is positive points as well. It is for these reason that I have been sucked into this blogging phenomenon.

In my opinion, the best reason to blog is venting. I currently live alone due to the fact that my husband is deployed to Iraq. This mean that I have no one to voice my worldy (I wish) compliants to, nor do I have anyone that I can beat up on, or have sex with (but that's a different type of frustration all together). When blogging you can vent all you need to by typing out your frustrations to the world wide web. Now will anybody care? Will anybody comment either agreeing or disagreeing with your words? Does it really matter? Sure, the occasional comment will get me giddy. Someone is listening to me! Or reading me, rather.

Another reason for blogging is so that Susie Q can anonymously confess what she did last night, but still get the rush knowing that someone out there knows that she's a bad little girl. Actually, I'm not sure if this should be a pro or a con. But the point is retaining your anonymity. Are you blogging about how you love being a member of NAMBLA (NAtional Man Boy Love Association)? Well, you're not exactly going to be giving your name out because you don't want the parents of 8-year-old boy next door finding out that you like to...okay, let's keep this pg-13.

I would still have to say that the biggest reason for anyone to blog, however, would be the venting. This may include venting anonymously, but it's still the venting. This will probably be my main reason for posting any blogs - frustration over editing my book, the antics of the neighborhood whore, or even the government. However, today, I'm in a pretty happy place. Of course, it's 10am. Nothing has really happened yet (except crushing my toe with my chair, owies.) to really tick me off.

Well, I need to go play writer and housewife. Until next time, this is me signing off.

1 comment:

Mz M said...

Great toungue and cheek comments. Wonder how such a nice girl knows about NAMBLA?