July 27, 2006

I am a Woman (Part III)

I am a woman; at least I was last time I checked. Therefore, at times I can be moody, irrational, nitpicky, and so on and so forth. This also means that I can be demur, cute, loving, nurturing, and you get the point.

Being of the female gender adds to what I am, not just physically. I can get away with certain things that would be harder for a man to get away with - aside from having boobs. The main thing is that I can stay at home and be a house wife without having any kids to take care of. If a guy were to do exactly what I am he would be chastised and called a "lazy, no count bum." There may be a few explectives added for color and emphases. But no one calls me dirty names, well, other than myself, for wanting to stay home.

I cook. I clean. I give the dog a bath.

I use scented lotions. I shave my legs. I buy kinky underwear.

But what else does it mean to be a woman? I would like some feedback, from either gender. Does it really make a difference anymore? Give me some ideas.

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