July 21, 2006

I am a Writer (Part II)

*I apologize this has been a long time coming. I just haven't had the umphf to actually update this until I got a comment telling me to. Someone reads this, yeay.*

I am a Writer, or at least I pretend to be. I hope to one day be a writer withhousewife tendencies instead of the housewife with writing tendencies - in other words, get paid for what I love the most. Being a writer is my dream job, and I just hope it's one I can accomplish.

I've always loved to write. Have I always been good at it? *shrug* Depends on how close you want to scrutinize a 8-year-old's handy work. But the real writing started in high school. That's when I discovered poetry as a way to vent my frustrations/teenage angst. Some of it actually formed into decent poetry. I wrote poetry most of the way through high school and occasionally in college. Then, when I came to Fort Campbell, poetry was my escape from boredom. I would write at least once a day - sometimes good, sometimes absolutely horrible.

A little over a year ago was when I decided to go on a publishing adventure. I had heard about a new publishing company that was accepting a lot of 'new writers.' So I compiled a manuscript of my best poetry (and some not so good) and sent it in. Low and behold I got the congratulatory letter in the mail. I went through the whole process and now my book, Restaurant Called Cafe, is available through amazon.com.

There is a downside to this story. It felt good to be published, and I had thought I went with a decent Publishing Company, PublishAmerica. They were new, so there wasn't much information on them at the time - but I did my research and found good opinions. Now it's over a year later and this publishing company has earned a bad reputation as a vanity publisher. They'll publish anything that comes to them. Talking about really breaking my spirits.

I've recently veered away from poetry. In fact, it's been months since I've even attempted writing a poem. Lately, I've been working on a novel. I started writing it in the winter - right before christmas. I finished writing it around April and I've been editing it ever since.

I'm really wanting to get this one published, but I'm going to do it the right way this time. I have an editor. Once I get finished going through this the first time and making my edits, I will start shopping around for literary agents and sending out query letters. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Mz M said...

Don't be bummed about being published by vanity publisher. Feel good that you got something accomplished. This is only one of many books you will suceed in publishing. Your reputation has to start somewhere. Think about how many musicians that have to pay to record their first demo before they become signed. The advantage you have is that you didn't have to pay for your "demo".

Good Luck with the new book.